How Much Starbucks is Too Much While Studying

Everybody loves Starbucks! The queues for a cup or two of their wide range of beverages go around the block! Starbucks uses the best blends of Arabian coffee beans as a base for all their flavor options, and they stand out from other coffee-serving companies because of the high taste, quality and customer service they provide.

College is so stressful and exhausting. Life in college means an exhausting cycle of several tests, essays and lectures. You get out of bed every day only to return with so much work to do. You stay up all night, studying for tests and struggling to submit your essay on Turnitin before the proposed deadline, leaving you with barely any sleep. Then you wake up the next morning sleep deprived and with a fuzzy mind. Well, thank God for coffee! Coffee provides just the right component to get you up and running: caffeine!

Caffeine is a stimulant added to drugs, beverages and foods. It helps to stimulate the nervous system, thereby provoking consciousness and alertness.

Caffeine is slightly addictive, and this is why it is only added to beverages in small quantities. Consumption of large amounts of beverages containing caffeine can lead to addiction and overdose. Starbucks beverages include a minimum of 2mg caffeine and a maximum of 600 mg of caffeine per serving. The daily recommended caffeine dose for adults is 400mg daily; this means that consuming above 400mg of caffeine in a day will bring about some signs and symptoms of caffeine overdose.

Signs and Symptoms of Caffeine Overdose

Symptoms of caffeine overdose vary from individual to individual and range mild to moderate, depending on the individual and the amount of caffeine consumed. These symptoms include:

  • Sleep disturbances
  • Muscle spasm
  • Irritability
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Respiratory disturbances
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Increased urination
  • Fever
  • Dizziness
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased heart rate
  • Confusion and Delirium
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Hallucinations
  • Flushed face
  • Diarrhea
  • Death

It is best advised always to check the calorific content of whatever beverage you intend to buy from Starbucks; the caffeine content would be listed. If your favorite drink has caffeine content less than 100mg, feel free to consume 3-4 cups during the day. On the other hand, if your favorite beverage has a caffeine content higher than 100mg, only drink 2-3 cups daily at most.

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20 Replies to “How Much Starbucks is Too Much While Studying”

  1. Huh? I think I’m going to drop right now! This is quite shocking to me because in a day I can actually go as much as taking 5 to 6 cups, especially during exam time. I just hope I haven’t really endangered myself.

    1. It wouldn’t hurt to get some labs done so you can at least see if any damage has been done. But still try to wean yourself from it.

  2. Woah. This is really enlightening. I’m usually surprised when I see a lot of students 100% depending on these coffees to get them through each day. Sometimes I believe just setting out that leisure time of yours and taking a nap would actually go a long way instead of using coffee to drive sleep away every day.

  3. Hmmm. Thanks a lot for this! I really needed to be reminded about this because the rate at which I’m going on with caffeine now is becoming scary.

  4. Well, this is new. These symptoms are really scary and would definitely discourage anyone from getting addicted to caffeine. I know it’s really not healthy but sometimes we just can’t help it.

  5. I think this needs to be shared across all platforms because a lot of people really don’t know what they are doing to themselves going on cups and cups of coffee all in the name of staying awake and alert.

  6. I actually had this friend who would go a whole week with nothing more than sleeping for an hour or two and in the morning he will hold on his coffee cups for hours sipping and getting more. It was really terrible after that because I bet he was hit hard with the after effect and now he has become an advocate against it. Lol.

  7. But it’s really not easy to stop, you know. We are always lacking sleep because of all the school work and this is like the only way to not sleep off in class and all that. Isn’t there a way to not get these symptoms and still enjoy the coffee goodness

    1. Drink decaffeinated drinks and use these natural substitutes for energy:
      Ginseng. Instead of caffeine-rich coffee or energy drinks, opt for a refreshing cup of ginseng tea. …
      High Energy Foods. …
      Aromatherapy. …
      Music. …
      Herbal Teas. …
      Exercise. …
      Energy-Boosting Tincture. …

  8. Yeah. Starbucks really making a mark with their beverages and it is really popular among students because a lot of them sure have a lot to do with just less time to sleep. You know I actually don’t blame them.

    1. I feel you. But for those who want to stay healthy, I recommend sticking around and listening to the WHITE COAT WOMAN. LOL

  9. Hmm.. I’ll just write this in a sticky note and place it somewhere I can see it every day so I’ll always be reminded about it and be sure I’m staying healthy and not consuming overdose.

  10. I love Starbucks coffee, no doubt and can’t go a day without consuming that mouthwatering goodness even if I’m fully awake. I know my gauge and always make sure I don’t go beyond what’s expected per day so I don’t have any health issues later.

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